The 2022 General Membership meeting and Executive Officer Elections was held held on November 25th. at the club house starting at 7PM.
Thanks to the members that came out to the meeting.
To the elected Executive, thank you for your participation.
Membership Dues:
Your yearly club dues are now payable and should be paid no later then the end of December 2022.
Dues for the 2023 season will be $210.00 per single member if paid before January 1st. 2023
Friday Night = Club Night
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at the club on Friday nights.
Plan now to come out and enjoy YOUR CLUB as often as possible.
Wednesday Night - 900's Informal practice sessions are held every Wednesday evenings April to October.
Due to the number of members taking advantage of the Wednesday night sessions, we will be starting the first relay at 6:30. PM. This will allow everyone to participate and still finish early in the evening.
The range will be reserved for these meets. 6:30: PM to 9: PM.
The Niagara Frontier Pistol League 2021 - 2022 Season is now underway. If you would like to participate, Please come out to the club on any Wednesday Evening before 6:30 PM
The range is reserved every Wednesday for these league nights.
The Niagara Frontier Pistol League shoots will commence at 6:30 each Wednesday.
The next Executive Meeting
To be announced.
The 2022 Dickson Cup shoot was held at the club on Friday November 18th.
Congratulations to this years Dickson Cup winner.
Cory R.
New or Replacement Door Key - $10.00